Storrs Media has recently added a division to its company named "CC Sponsorships" that has an exclusive agreement to represent the closed captioning sponsorships for the CNN Network. These unique advertising opportunities provide access to this prestigious news outlet through short form spots that identify the brand or advertiser as providing funds to pay for captioning access to the hearing impaired.
Each sponsorships includes a 3-5 second billboard featuring the brand logo with a voiceover with that includes a tagline, followed by a fully self-contained 10-Second spot provided by the client. Sponsorships are sold in weekly "daypart" packages that including morning, afternoon, evening and weekend exposures. This allows the client to receive both reach and frequency weekly, but also enables targeting to specific viewers.
This advertising opportunity offers a unique way to reach an upscale, older audience very efficiently with a brand's message at affordable rates. In addition, they are "viewer directed" spots that call attention to the brand and the message with the inclusion of the billboard exposure. They are positioned adjacent to programming, going into or out of the commercial breaks so the spots do not get "lost" in the middle of a commercial pod.
For more information, pricing and availability on all our network programming, please click below "Find out more" button below.
The following are the current CC Sponsorships weekly packages:
* Wake Up 6AM - 7 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 10AM - 7 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 11AM - 8 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 12 Noon - 7 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 12 Noon + Wkd - 11 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 1PM & 2PM - 10 exposures: M - F
* Newsroom 3PM - 7 exposures: M - Sun
* Newsroom 4PM - 7 exposure: M - Sun *
· Newsroom 5PM - 5 exposures: M - F CNN
* Icons Package - 5 exposures: Daily M, Tu, W, Th, F
· CNN Prime Time 9P - 5 exposures M-F
* Weekend AM ROS - 4 exposures: Sa - Sun
* Weekend Day ROS - 6 exposures: Sa - Sun
* Weekend Fringe/Prime ROS - 6 exposures: Sa - Sun
* Weekend Evening ROS - 6 exposures: Sa - Sun
* Weekend ROS - 5 exposures: Sa - Sun
* Weekend Fringe - 4 exposures: Sa - Sun *
* CNN Late Night - 14 exposures: M - Sun *
Availability changes from week to week, so planning early is always a good practice.